WhiteHelmet as a Project Management Tool

WhiteHelmet solution will help you organize all your project details in one place; to track project progress, communicate effectively, and digitally archive to obtain high-quality results.
The project card will give you a short summary of the project.
Now on the “Project Dashboard” managing all your project information is simple with the ability to adjust
based on your role in the organization.
Will show you the project charts and information summary
Project Info:
It has the project information and details; where you can edit and delete the project.
Project Planning:
Plan your project by adding project phases to help you know and understand the percentage of project completion.
Reports Management:
As a super admin, You have the flexibility to edit your report names, in addition to deleting them.
Floor Management:
Manage your floors by adding new floors or deleting a floor, in addition, you can add new points, edit the point name, or delete it.
Member Management:
Add members to your project and assign their responsibilities, you can also delete a member or edit his responsibilities.
Ticket Management:
All the project tickets are organized and summarized into ticket analytics to help have a quick overview of the workflow.
Tickets can be filtered based on your needs; you can also export all your ticket lists into an excel sheet.
File Management:
Manage your project through digital archiving of your documents in one place and categorize them into folders or reports.
Build Report:
Generating reports will help you print out the project reports with the summary of the tickets.

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